
Jonathan Lutz tekee parhaillaan väitöskirjan musiikkitieteestä Åbo Akademissa. Hänen tutkimuksensa kohteina ovat musiikin vaikutus perheissä ja ”agency”. Lisäksi hän on kiinnostunut siitä, miten tutustuminen piensitraan voi vahvistaa luomisen tahtoa ja musikaalista itseluottamusta. Projekti nimeltään ”Sitra välineenä hoidossa” toteutettiin vuonna 1998, ja toinen joka käsitteli piensitran käyttöä esikoulussa 2002-2003..

Getting at the music: Musical empowerment through the 15-string diatonic zither
(Musiikintutkismuksen kansallinen symposium, 23-25.3.2006 Turussa, Åbo Akademi). The presentation I made was in the form of a powerpoint but the contents of the article link here is pretty much the same.
Getting at the music (J Lutz article 8.12.06)

Paper at MERYC
In April of 2005 I presented a paper at the MERYC (Music Education Research with Young Children) world conference held at Exeter University, England.
Our whole family was inspired right from the start!: Family and preschool experiences with the 15-string diatonic zither in Karis, Finland

Article in the journal Global Health Promotion (does not directly address the piensitra)
After a few years of study I found that Aaron Antonovsky’s “Sense of coherence” concept, part of his theory of Salutogenesis, and  Csikszentmihalyi’s “flow” fit well with the questions I was asking. I see the two concepts as not only complementary but part of the same dynamic, and since no one else had directly connected the two in this way I wrote an article on the subject. The article does not directly address the piensitra (lillcittra/zitheroo) but does put issues in wider perspective. Here is the abstract, followed by a link to the text.

Here is the article as a word-doc:
Flow and sense of coherence