Here is a bit about my life and zitheroo workshops etc. during a year-long grant leave of absence from my teaching job, in case anyone is interested (in Swedish).
Något om mitt liv som arbetsstipendiat 2007-2008
A Norwegian asked about work with older persons and zitheroos / lillcittror so I answered with some thoughts. Note: since then a number of music therapists have begun using zitheroos /lillcittror in their everyday work, a development I had hoped for.
Gerontology and the zitheroo
After music visits to nursing homes and extensive experience with culture and health care issues, I wrote an article in Folkhälsan (number 12, 2003) entitled “Why not hum a little louder?”. The article is meant to encourage health care staff to use their musical resources.
2003.12 FH Varför inte nynna lite högre
During musical visits to institutions staff often disappear and do other things. Here I tell reasons why I hope staff take part if at all possible.
Why staff presence is important during music events at institutions
I believe lullabies were a very early if not the first form of music, and certainly my experiences singing lullabies for my children were very special times for me. At you may find a lullabye I wrote even before I had children (The Sun Settles Down).
Sheet music is available here: lead sheet (melody with lyrics and chords): The Sun Settles Down mel (in key of E) and a choral version (SA(T)B) used as a Christmas song and renamed “Maria’s Lullabye”: The Sun Settles Down SA(T)B
If you prefer a whole step lower, you can find a video tutorial (in D) at and lead sheet pdf in D at The Sun Settles Down mel in D
The original first version, recorded on a simple cassette of music as a family Christmas present in 1978, may be heard here: